n.py − very simple note taking cli tool
- Download the script & make it executable:
wget https://git.bitmycode.com/sodimel/n/-/raw/master/n.py && chmod +x n.py
- Move it somewhere, like in ~/.local/
mv n.py ~/.local
- Create a simlink in a folder in your path:
sudo ln -s ~/.local/n.py /usr/bin/n
- Handle storage of notes:
- Create a folder named
(default):mkdir ~/n
OR create a special folder and add
env var in your.(ba|zs|...)hrc
:mkdir ~/notes echo "export N_FOLDER='~/notes' >> ~/.your_shrc_file"
- Create a folder named
- Autocompletion (optional): See output of
n autocomplete
./n.py [OPTION] [str]
h, help, -h, --help Display this (very long) help text in your shell/terminal.
n, new, -n, --new Create a new file. Default name is today : '%Y-%m-%d.txt'.
Add any str to create a named new file, e.g. './n.py c hi'
will create a file in 'N_FOLDER' or ~/n/, with the name of
'hi.txt' using 'N_TOOL' or 'nano'. The command will open a
file if it already exist, effectively allowing you to edit
it. Calling the 'n.py' script with no argument will launch
this exact same function. And entering an unrecognised arg
will create a new file named after the aforementioned arg.
Add an other argument to define the extension of the file.
s, search, -s, --search Search a string in all files in 'N_FOLDER' or '~/n/', this
command sort the result with the latest opened file first.
c, cat, -c, --cat Print a file (if found) on plain ol' stdout. Useful if you
want to do some special grep after: just pipe the content!
Can print content of multiple files, sorted by most recent
updated first. Good if you want to cat your private diary.
You can use str substitution if you enter no arg, and then
just enter words or commands or an asterisk in the prompt.
l, ls, -l, --ls List files in 'N_FOLDER', last modified first, in one col.
Add argument to list only files where name is in '*name*'.
Env vars:
N_FOLDER This is the folder name where the script will save all the
files into. Will default to '~/n/' if the env var does not
exist. Please notice the trailing slash. You are in charge
of creating the folder if it does not exist: run (maybe) a
'mkdir ~/n' command before you run the n.py script a first
time, or else you will be experiencing an error, like this
one: [ Directory '/home/me/aaaa' does not exist ] (this is
the default result of using nano (which is the tool that's
used if no N_TOOL environment variable is found when using
n.py. Here is the exact command I ran in order to get that
previous output on my computer: 'N_FOLDER=~/aaaa/ ./n.py'.
A cool thing to do is to set it to something starting with
'$HOME/', like this: 'export N_FOLDER="$HOME/notes/"'. Its
really important to do this, in order to make autocomplete
like the one that's shared in this help work w/ any error.
N_TOOL The tool used when creating/editing a note. The default is
nano, because it's simple to use and because a way to exit
is actually displayed on the bottom panel (yes, I refer to
this strange tool called vim). You may use this var in the
case of your OS don't have nano, or maybe if you just want
to use another tool (maybe vim, emacs, geany, gedit, code,
subl or any other program that can edit simple txt files).
N_DEFAULT_EXT Extension to save files if none is provided. Default value
is 'txt', but personally I set it to 'md' because nano has
a very cool syntax highlightning for markdown all content.
N_DEFAULT_SHELL Default to 'sh'. N.py is launching an interactive shell: I
wanted to be able to see md content with color output, and
so I switched from default 'cat' command to 'bat' (that is
awesome). I needed to be able to make Python run a command
with the .zshrc (for my case) loaded, and so I updated the
script, and then created this brand new env var to let you
do whatever you want. This feature is now added in v0.0.3.
I'm not really into all this bash-based stuff, but you can
find a small script and some instruction by executing this
command: 'n autocomplete', or 'python3 n.py autocomplete'.
Why another tool?
I used a certain number of note taking programs and others
text editing apps and concepts. Here's a small list of the
tools & concepts: Joplin, Notable, a strange concept named
Johnny•Decimal, a (secret) gitlab wiki, some post-it tools
like the xubuntu post-it app named Xpad, and an other tool
named StickyNotes. But I didnt stay under any of the apps,
because they didn't had all the features that I wanted. So
I decided to create this tool after discovering this great
post (https://thesephist.com/posts/inc/) and discovering a
note taking tool named "inc" (stands for "incremental"). I
really liked the philosphy behind this tool, and I created
n.py to be very similar to inc. But n.py still differs for
these few reasons (this is indeed not an exhaustive list):
- the command line interface is different: you cant launch
a REPL, except when running './n.py s'(earch) without arg.
- the name of a note is not a number (like in inc), but is
the date of today (in the form '%Y-%m-%d.txt'). So it's (I
think) easier to retrieve content relative to a date, e.g.
"ah yes I wrote this thought yesterday! Lets search in the
file named '(%Y-1)-%m-%d.txt', and see if I can find it!".
- this tool is waayyy smaller than inc, and packages a lot
less features than this other tool (for an example, it did
not comes with a REPL, an history of commands, or a single
file database. Don't expect it to replace it anytime soon!
Links of other tools/concepts:
Joplin ----------------------------- https://joplinapp.org/
Notable ------------------------------ https://notable.app/
Johnny•Decimal ----------------- https://johnnydecimal.com/
Gitlab Wiki - https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/wiki/
Xpad --------------------------- https://launchpad.net/xpad
StickyNotes -------------------------- https://git.io/JwHnC
inc --------------------- https://github.com/thesephist/inc
Create file $ python3 n.py
'N_TOOL' 'N_FOLDER'2021/10/08.txt
Create named file $ ./n.py n todo
'N_TOOL' 'N_FOLDER'todo.txt
Create named file $ n done
'N_TOOL' 'N_FOLDER'done.txt
List all files $ n l
cd 'N_FOLDER'; if [ $(ls -A 2>/dev/null | wc -l) -ne 0 ]; \
then ls --color -1t 'N_FOLDER'; else exit 1; fi
Cat all files which $ ./n.py cat todo
is in *todo* n cat todo
cd 'N_FOLDER'; if [ $(ls -A *todo* 2>/dev/null | wc -l) -ne 0 ]; \
then cat $(ls *todo*); else exit 1; fi
- create cat command
- create ls command
Cat files (prompt $ n c
with a *), error What do you want to cat?
> *de
cd 'N_FOLDER'; if [ $(ls -A **de* 2>/dev/null | wc -l) -ne 0 ]; \
then cat $(ls **de*); else exit 1; fi
No *de file found in 'N_FOLDER'.
Cat files (prompt $ n c
with a *), success What do you want to cat?
> *do
cd 'N_FOLDER'; if [ $(ls -A **do* 2>/dev/null | wc -l) -ne 0 ]; \
then cat $(ls **do*); else exit 1; fi
- created a cat command, lets see if it works
- create cat command
- create ls command
Search for "create" $ python3 n.py s create
string in all files cd 'N_FOLDER'; grep --color=ALWAYS "todo" $(ls -1t); exit $?;
todo.txt:- create cat command
todo.txt:- create ls command
- if your OS only have Python2 (seriously?), replace
- the
help section
was written using my poor english (bonjour baguette I'm french) after reading this thread on Twitter -
Example of output when using
instead of cat.
- the command that will be launched will be displayed before n.py will run it, so if it fails, you should see why pretty fast
- if there's only one note,
will not display filenames (but that's not a problem since there's only one note) -
should run on any python version since version 2.4, it only requires coreos
, anddatetime
- edit: it does run on python2.4.0! Here's a proof! (I used pyenv to install python2.4.0 (inside a vm))
[10/09/24]- fix search command (
n s word
) to work even if there's spaces in filenames
- fix search command (
[28/06/22]- allow creating a new note containing spaces (
n "a b c"
created 3 files, nown "a b c"
create a file nameda b c
- allow creating a new note containing spaces (
[22/10/21]- added
env var (default issh
). - subprocess is now used like this:
subprocess.call([default_shell, '-i', '-c', command])
- created this changelog
- added
[13/10/21]- cat files will now cat most recent first
[08/10/21]- added cat & ls features
- added default extension env var
- added ability to define ext of a new file
- updated help txt
- added examples to help txt
- removed ugly exit_code var in bash commands
- added autocomplete script
no version
[07/10/21]- published n.py!